giovedì 5 aprile 2007

Senza titolo 1225

Settimana santa (holy week)

Tempo di racconti biblici in brokkolyn version

Albrecht Altdorfer & Ermy, Lot e le figlie , 1537

You know... that holy bible is a mucchiett di fakes and bubbles... now I raccont to you the story of a man, a man called LOT.
Lot was before all a newpher of big Abraham.
Legend says that Lot went with his uncle Abraham til the benedett promisedland (still land but promised acchì isnt gave to know, infact still bombing each other), anyway... go on...
You also know that in that period men was prevalentement good sheperds and lot and abraham too... but at a certain hour its flocks became so numerous that was impossible to keep them at bada, so they decided to separe.
Lot choose to go towards Giordano's valley... the valley of "go thought on the golden wings"... while Uncle Abby went to the opposit direction.
Till here, nothing to tell... but...
Walking after walking Lot arrived in a city, Sodoma. All of you know which means "sodomita", so I don't translate...
During a sack of the city, brutally men kidnapped poor Lot but, when uncle Abraham heard the notice on "hebraic TG", he suddenly and precipitously run to Sodoma and togheter his servants fought and fought (it was not "fottere"!) against the ugly men, to made Lot free again..
Lot happy like a pasqua kissed uncle Abraham and went again to Sodoma... to live in peace. BUT...
Lord of univers was very incazzed with men who practiced sodomìa.
"YA men! I avvert you! If you will continue to enter in that way I'll punish you in a very bad way... REMEMBER!"
But all the inkiappettators, after a little impauriment on the moment, the day after began again to put averythin' back and behind. They liked very much and why consider a big sin something which gave them big pleasure?
But Lord of the univers, ya know, was a fumin lord and after having seen that only few people heard his words and stop to play anal games... took his finally decision.
He called two angels, dressed them like human, and send them on earth, in Sodoma. They should have inform Lot (wise an good God servant) to escape before tragedy takes place.
Segue perché non ho avuto tempo - It follows 'cause We hadn't time enough to continue... be patient

Good holy Thursday everybody, mf

PS: the blackblue scarf and the granfather cup on the low corner are a take of butt for a good interist friend:)

22 commenti:

anonimo ha detto...

Ho come un déja vu ... Il CapoLot che dice del tutto? ;-)*********

Skylark ha detto...

Nella prossima puntata ci parlerai delle figlie di Lot?

metallicafisica ha detto...

Sky: eccerto!!!!*

ecate: il capo non credo abbia letto, ancora:)*

h2no3 ha detto...

LOT: a man I like a LOT :)


NYBRAS ha detto...

Stay tu(R)ned for Sodoma (s)Breaking News. We'll "come back" in a minute or so.

Some words from our sponsor:

"Sand in the Vaselline", the new buc by Lapo Elkan.

lotrovassi ha detto...

Boh. Non capisco: Lot sarebbe l'unico non sodomita in un posto di sodomiti ? Beh, è una sensazione che ho frequentemente, negli ultimi tempi.

anonimo ha detto...

Daaai, Capo, non fare così (se no ti tempesto di sms consolatooooori) ;-)****************

Damina ha detto...

I soliti raccomandati....

Un abbraccio ***

metallicafisica ha detto...

Ecatina: mandaglieli durante le partite, meglio:)*

Lotrovassi: detta così potrebbe metterti in cattiva luce, eh? Soprattutto se visto da dietro:)*

NYB: quoque tu:)))*

Czap: ettepareva?!:)*

sysjena ha detto...

...very good analogic time... (I) say.....


MariaStrofa ha detto...

Ciao Sabrina, ne ho scritto nella categoria "Bibbia". In realtà dovevano andare in tre a Sodoma, Padre, figlio e Spirito Santo: ma poi il Padre rinuncia all'ultimo momento e i due angeli sarebbero le due parti di Trinità rimaste ecc...

episodio celeberrimo, ovviamente. ciao

metallicafisica ha detto...

Maria: in certi casi two is megl ke three, no?:)*

sys: I do what I can!:)*

Damina: sempre exsisted, quelli là:)*

pbeneforti ha detto...

holy thursday? il sacro giorno di Thor? cos'è, la rivincita degli Asi? :D

Epimenideblog ha detto...

Come dice il saggio: bisogna sempre guardare avanti!

latendarossa ha detto...

Lord of the univers, mi fa pensare più al fantasy che alla Bibbia...eheh :D

sabrinamanca ha detto...

To keep them at bada????

You have made me scompiscere of laughters, Holy blood!

Lots and Lots of wonderful inculing laughters!!!

A bloody fucking good easter,

dear metallic-physic

alfiererosso ha detto...

"Buona Pasqua" suona meglio :)

nonsologeomangio ha detto...

eschiusé muà... non se potrebb avé en fransé la prosciain puntat?

Coll'anglé me vien mal de tet!

However you are pigre... could you translate sodoma! Se say Ass'ma!

lefty333boy ha detto...

l hai scritto in inglese perchè ti vergognavi di parlare di questa famiglia all avan guardia mom?? :-))

un big kiss di 27 cm... by your Sun *******

biancaneve ha detto...

Occorre pepe per rocco



Medicineman ha detto...

io suppose that hebraic tg was conducted by bravo presentator emilius fiele, with a informative window conducted by good poor man gad "nose" lerner...

alessiobrugnoli ha detto...

Buona Pasqua :-)